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How to Make Tiny and Easy USB OTG Cable at Home : 5 Steps

Make Your Own OTG at Home


these apparatuses are required to make an O.T.G.
at home by using waste, data cable, headphone lead etc.
you can use another wire in place of the headphone lead
but it should be soft for making the life long of the OTG
feviquick is used to paste the wires after soldering so that
they will not be loose, for making it attractive you may use
coloured wires.try to make it tiny. it looks better


cut the wire and take 10-15 cm from four wires of it.


take waste micro-A USB and one side of USB
Type-A and remove the plastic from it.




connect the one end of the wire
(from step-2)to micro-A USB and
the another end of it to USB Type-A
connections are according to the above Picture.




Now put one drop of the feviquick,
at every joint to make it strong,
Now your OTG is ready to use


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