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Direct Selling Business vs Network Marketing or MLM in DBA | Ifazone, Fraud or Reality Let's Explore the reality

DBA | Ifazone, Fraud or Reality Let's Explore the reality

Dear Friends you may be working in DBA, or 
just attended 5 days training and have different different opinions and generally may get very harsh comments on the company’s methods and ethics for the company and for this type of business i.e. Network Marketing.
Before going ahead let me clear that now time I’m neither against company nor in favor because I have worked in the company for 1 Years and 6 months approximately and Finally I Quit !!! oh! You may think that I don’t have patience, I have and worked there without calling anyone in the company in the whole 1.5 Years time period Reason is in the article why didn’t called anyone so Don’t Judge me now,I have lot to say the you decide. So I can say that I know many things very closely, which is wrong and right according to me…  and I also request you to share your Experience in the comment box (Negative as well as Positive all will be published).
So today I will share my Experience in this article and come to know what is fraud there or not ? Decide yourself and Please Do comment with your opinions ….

What is DBA?

Firstly let me describe the meaning of this “ Dynamic Beneficial Accord” it’s a Marketing Private Limited Company and Dealing in Garments and Accessories and promoting some it’s brands
and Head Quarter Located in Mohali Punjab. CIN: U51909PB2011PTC035491.I wouldn’t go into the history of the company as it doesn’t matter. (For more you can get all details at by entering CIN or search on Google)

Inside a Training Center !

If you enter this building or even go nearby this corporate building, you will see Some hundreds of people around it from Many states of India.
YES, Some Hundreds. All roaming in and out in groups carrying a small notebook with them. If you are a stranger, and if you ask anyone what happens inside, they’ll say business, if you ask how much is your salary, everyone tells the amount 15000-20000, 20,000-25000 Rupees. That's fine I'm not saying that company is fraud there but try to understand what happens actually there. You will be surprised that none of those people will tell you the exact method of their earnings and their real earnings Ok earning may be personal so that’s fine not to tell but everyone tell you falls information about earnings. If you try hardly, then they’ll ask you to join the 5 days training Program that is Free of cost  for so called only. Because nothing is free there you will be asked to pay for the pen, papers, even water bottles etc. which being used in training and cost will be 200/- for 5 days and If you want to avail Lunch facility you have to pay 500/- to 1000/- for that and what you’ll get in lunch, hardly Food for 30/- for 5 days = 150/-
Ok no problem they stand with us and shouts a lot the whole day and work hard so they can ask money but they can’t do this without company permission na ? right or wrong ? You Decide !

Good thing there !

All will motivate you in the company that’s the really worth that’s the another matter that everyone wants you to buy products and join the company “Only the target of everyone”

Purchase and Earning !

let me tell you something about the Purchase, if you want to earn in this business, you have to make a purchase of about 8500/- or 54,000/- Rupee. Shocking isn’t it. If you somehow survive this, the 6th day comes with the calculation. The calculation is about the details about how you will earn the money from DBA. The interesting part about this stage is that when the person is explaining you about how much money you can make, he will ask every individual a question that how you will spend this amount of money and each one has to answer and to be precise. How much money do they tell you? A lot, in my case, they went up to 1000+ Crores. They are making you dream, which isn’t a bad thing. But the thing how many of the existing people are earning more than 20000/- per moths only (hardly 1% people only) no argument please ! that’s the reality R-41s also get earnings in 12000-15000/- but have Teams of 100+ people so only one of the team is only earning in some ten Thousands.
O… no you may argue on 41s income …. Yes he may(Not every 41%) earn good but look his Team in Panel ( not only active team) some thousands people have Purchased or Joined the business to make only one people to earn !!! FACT!

Re-purchase is also there you know !!!

Ok even you are ready to work there and ready to purchase for 53000/- or whatever and how you have arranged money on borrow or whatever they don’t care and they will tell you that this is the one time purchase and you can recover this money by earning very soon and this “Soon” may take upto years there and you and in case you start earning then surprisingly you come to know that if I want My income ? I have to purchase again for some 3500/ and per months … wow ! great in some months, hardly I am gonna earn 4-5k and to get that amount I have to re-purchase for 3500/- from company If I don’t have money. I can’t get this Income also.

Way to Approach People: Worst Thing About DBA

and also Some MLMs [Glaze RCM etc] The Invitation is how you invite people in DBA. They teach you how to call people and tell them that they are Working in an MNC earning ₹20,000+ per month working as Fashion Adviser. It is a LIE. There is NO salary. The “Excuse” they make for this is that “A Lie which can change someone’s life is not a lie at all”. hahah , also they tell that company provides room facility to the employees and the reality is that even company has taken agreement from that existing distributor that “ There is no relationship between the distributor and company like employee” means if you purchase from company and join business that’s not that you are the employee of company  and so how can company can provide rooms etc. or accommodation. Even the existing Room rents and all expenses are totally dependent on the coming Invitations … A company who starts inviting people by lying to them is not a company people look. People come in hope for jobs and earning money, but they find disappointment. See a Screenshot I’ve found on the internet.

Look at the below Screenshot and you also can find many so called recruiters on internet:

You will Have to Call People to Purchase from Company

And you also have to work like this there… This is person to person or Chain system there Even they tell you another name as “Matrix System” I know That’s another type of system but the calculation is the only different not the work. You have to call people to Purchase from the company and only then you can get some income.

Now, About Company, it is trying to hide all fraud !

I had listed some training centers in Google Map that at this place there is a training center so, I got call and Email from the Company to remove fake Social Profiles even I didn’t created any profile there except Google Map Listings Then I Requested Google to Remove those on their request, then I asked what is fake in listing then you know what they replied!
DBA and IFAZONE are our copyrighted words so they can’t be used and training center can not be named on company name even as training center !!! WHY????
Even a “rehdi vala” and small and small business are listed in Google Map for Customers convenience then why are you trying to hide your Centers and Your Business Branches which are giving you business in Crores per monthly.
One Screenshot of the mail I got for Google Map Listing:

Finally I am not saying that the company is fraud and all that; But the people (Distributors) do things unethically and in very fraud way to just get money. Looses many friends, relationships many times don't argue for exceptions here ... I'm just talking about majority ....
Now I request you to share your your own Experience so that others can get the real feedback; 
So comment Below By Facebook Login. 
Thank you !


Kapil Yadav said…
Sabse fraud company hai India ki, sab jhut bolte hain sale fir bad me batate hai, apke benefit k liye hi nahi btaya tha pahle btate to ap yaha ate hi nahi.
Rahul Jaat said…
I work in company best company India ki,
Neha said…
I work here I have a team of 40 distributors, I earning 25000+ per months and i am happy to work here

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